How to Reach the Four Seasons

This week is Semana Santa, Holy Week, in Spain.  Many parades/processions happen throughout the city this week, and on our wedding day, one will be passing by all sides of the venue.  It's possible this will make it difficult to reach the venue.

This page has instructions for how to reach the Four Seasons, in case your taxi needs to drop you 1-2 blocks away because of the parade.

#1 - Where you should tell your taxi to drop you.  This is probably the farthest that cars can go.  Your taxi should approach from the north or the east, to avoid the parade route.  This is the corner of Calle de Alcalá and Calle de Cedaceros, on the south side of the street.  An approximate address for Cajamar Caja Rural bank (on the corner) is C. de Alcalá, 24, 28014 Madrid.

#2 - The elevator.  Enter the elevator and proceed down to floor -1.

#3 - Where you emerge from the parking garage.  Take the elevator up to floor 0.

#4 - The front door of the Four Seasons.  You made it!

From star #1, the corner of Calle de Alcalá and Calle de Cedaceros, if you look up Calle de Alcalá to the west, you will see the Four Seasons.  Walk toward it!

Now you are near star #2.  If you can use that crosswalk to reach the Four Seasons, great.  Do that.  If you cannot because of the parade, use the elevator and go down to floor -1.

The rest of the instructions only apply if you took the elevator.  After emerging from the elevator on floor -1, look down the long stretch of the parking garage.  You'll see a ramp in the distance.  Walk that way.  You'll walk to the right side of the ramp.

Now, on the righthand side of the ramp, keep going...

Around that corner, walk into the door labeled "Salida."  The elevator is inside.  Take the elevator back up to floor 0.

Now you're back on the street.  Look up the street (slightly uphill), and you'll see the Four Seasons entrance.  You made it!